Sunday, November 9, 2008


I wrote this to Carol, and thought you might like to hear too.

yesterday i walked up a mountain, and then climbed off the path onto the high peak, whose wildness hadn't even been touched by all the human thoughts and words that were offered to it. rocky crags just the right size for sitting on. the air tasted clean and good. it was quiet, for the first time, except for birds. I mean no crazy bollywood music ... and drumming and honking horns blaring. quiet and big green valley. the peak was naked with prayer flags, faded, offered throughout the years. it was the mountain where the buddha gave the Heart Sutra, which we chanted on the other outlook about an hour later when the rest of my group came (most of them had gone on a chairlift to a different peak and temple first; Aine and I skipped that and hiked up to this one).

Languages of mountain and waves
More on languages later.

a blessing. Blessings are special when they are just for you. After though, things only grow when they are shared, right? So this is okay. For you too:

open expansive air and easy rock you can rest on up here
right inside

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Dear Alex (and Áine) and Noa (and Olivia),
I am reading your communal blog with great mudita -- that's sympathetic joy -- for your adventures, for your dear hearts, for walking this most difficult and challenging path. May you know happiness and the causes of happiness. May your stomachs be settled and calm. May you write more blogs more frequently!

Maggie Greenwood